Tuesday 21 February 2012

Teenagers: Most Hated

What I've realized is that kids (teenagers) aren't as stupid as we make them out to be. It's all about the perspective people take on them. 

Teenagers don't go out into the world and say, hey, Imma party it up every weekend, get hammered, get laid, make a fool of myself, and then go to school hungover on Monday, repeat this every weekend, in attempts of throwing my future away, disregarding my potential, and eventually ruining my life. 
No. They don't set out to make stupid decisions like that. It's always triggered by something, motivated by a deeper, more profound root cause that is connected to something going on in their life. No one feels the need to escape from reality (use of drugs) unless they have some sort of inner turmoil going on. Have you ever noticed that the kids who don't have a heavy-duty load of stress or angst or hurt to carry, or who have good coping skills, don't engage in the activities society considers so negative? It's only the ones who have difficulty dealing with life - who don't have someone there to guide them and help them grow in maturity... so their maturity eventually just stops progressing... 

In short, kids don't intentionally screw up. They're just hurting. They're aching - and they don't know how to deal with it. Sometimes they're not even aware of this until there's a trigger, and it all rushes to the surface so quickly that it feels impossible to deal with. So to all the adults who are quick to judge and anger... don't. You're hurting, not helping. 

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